MILCOM a. s.
Machine Producer
MILCOM a. s.
Contact Information
Machine Producer
Czech Rebulic
420 499 320 280
Hradecká 1456, CZ-54401 Dvůr Králové nad Labem
MILCOM a.s., established in 1991, is a successor to a former state enterprise. Initially, it had six premises and around 200 employees. However, it downsized and optimized its operations in the 1990s, selling some premises and grouping some activities. The company was fully privatized in 1999. Today, MILCOM a.s. comprises of a general management and three divisions, each specializing in different sectors of the food industry. These include a dairy research institute and laktoflora in Prague, a division in Tábor, and a machinery division in Dvůr Králové nad Labem.
MILCOM a. s.
Contact Information
Machine Producer
Czech Rebulic
420 499 320 280
Hradecká 1456, CZ-54401 Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Machine Maestro
Maperfo AS
Fridtjof Nansens plass 4
0160 Oslo
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