Supplier profiles on Machine Maestro appear in more than 19,000 Google searches each month.
Access to a network of more than 15,000 professionals working in Food & Beverage production.
Up to 97% reduction in Cost per Lead compared to traditional sales channels.
Sign up for a free account and claim your company profile.
Verify your company details, and add additional content to help searching buyers find you.
Let your new company profile do the lead generation work for you.
Food and beverage producers from around the world are looking for their machinery partners on Machine Maestro
Get started for freeFREE
Become a "Claimed & Verified Supplier" with verification badge
Appear with your logo and verification badge in searches
Appear in relevant searches by tagging your profile with unlimited searchwords
Let visitors browse through all your product offerings
Give visiting buyers a quick introduction to your company with videos on your profile
Everything from Base
Appear at the top of relevant searches
Your company shows up as "recommended supplier" on your competitors profiles
Get more profile visits with your logo and profile directly accessible from the frontpage
Two boosted LinkedIn posts each year, showcasing your products to an audience of 15,000 potential clients
Machine Maestro social media icon kit for your website
Email support
Contact sales
Everything from Base and Grow
Strategic marketing partnership
Access to profile visitor analytics
Fully customized profile components and content
We create your profile for you
Email and phone support
*Invoiced annually in advance.
Machine Maestro
Maperfo AS
Fridtjof Nansens plass 4
0160 Oslo
Copyright © 2024 Maperfo AS