Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find machine suppliers for the food and beverage industry?
Well, you're in the right place! features over 2,800 machine suppliers in the food, beverage, and pharma sectors. From raw material handling to packaging, we offer a wide variety of options.
How do I search for suppliers on
Just use the search field on top of the frontpage. Search for supplier names, industries, products, or specific machines.
What kind of machines can I find on this platform?
Machine Maestro has machinery in food, beverage, and pharma from all aspects of your factory, from raw material handling, product processing, packaging and logistics. There are more than 2,800 machine suppliers, and there are even industrial software firms and machinery consultants. Whether you’re in the bakery, meat, brewery, or pharma industry, you’ll find relevant suppliers.
What does it cost to use
It is totally free for users! Machine Maestro is funded through machine suppliers who are paying for example to have more products shown on their profile page.
How can I contact a supplier through your platform?
Use the contact button on the machine supplier’s profile page.
How do you vet the suppliers listed?
All new machine suppliers are screened to see that they are a part of the industry. Suppliers that attempt to influence reviews, or otherwise behave unethically, are removed. Machine suppliers and their offerings are not vetted by us, but by the community through reviews.
Machine Maestro
Maperfo AS
Fridtjof Nansens plass 4
0160 Oslo
Copyright © 2025 Maperfo AS